Links: Week #27, 2018

Public vs Published Interfaces Published interfaces are public interfaces for which you don’t have control over the callers.

Starbucks Does Not Use Two-Phase Commit - Enterprise Integration Patterns An analysis of messaging patterns in Starbucks coffee ordering process.

C# Execute Around Method | A Day In The Lyf A neat pattern for avoid repeating boilerplate code.

Comparing Java and C# Generics - Jonathan Pryor’s web log Comparison of c# and java generics mostly from the point of the programmer.

Erasure vs reification « Otaku, Cedric’s blog A java developers analysis of issues with erasure approach to generics and workarounds.

Joe Duffy - On generics and (some of) the associated overheads Generics seem to impact the final binary size.

How generics were added to .NET · Performance is a Feature! The timeline of how generics were added to .NET languages.

IL extensions for generics IL extensions for generics

Optimization and generics, part 1: the new() constraint (updated: now with CLR v2 results) | Jon Skeet’s coding blog Perf implications of instantiating generics types

Defect attractors | Armed and Dangerous More of a definition of the concept than examples - simply put, those things that attracts nastiness in the code.

Wetmachine » Tales of the Sausage Factory » So What The Heck Does 5G Actually Do? And Is It Worth What The Carriers Are Demanding? A detailed article on 5g (also a brief summary of the previous Gs) and its future.

Written on July 8, 2018