Links: Week #23, 2018

Gitflow Workflow | Atlassian Git Tutorial De-Facto branching strategy for managing git repositories.

Understanding Let Expressions In M For Power BI And Power Query « Chris Webb’s BI Blog Talks about the let expressions (which I think is the most basic thing you can do) in M

Visual Studio Azure resource group projects | Microsoft Docs Visual studio projects for managing ARM templates.

Visual studio team service: Trigger a build using any HTTP client A sample call to one of the aforementioned VSTS REST APIs.

Betty: Tfs Extensibility - Automatically Create Code Reviews on Checkin A sample ISubscriber implementation that creates code reviews for 5% of all check-ins randomly.

Colin’s ALM Checkin Policies for VS 2013 and VSO - Visual Studio Marketplace VS custom check-in policy for requiring code reviews. Policy is enforced via a server side configuration. That being said extension has to be installed on each user’s VS.

Invoke HTTP REST API task for Microsoft VSTS and TFS | Microsoft Docs VSTS has bunch of REST APIs if you’re looking to automat your workload.

strftime’s alpha-sorted man page vs. well-meaning people RTFM; carefully.

JavaScript Start-up Performance – reloading – Medium An article focusing on JS start-up performance, particularly to parse and compile times.

Written on June 10, 2018